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Testing Some Posts

I wonder if this works...

By FireIsGood

Some test text! 🔥

Some code blocks

And here are some code blocks:

wow this is
    in a text box
<p>My name&mdash;is mine!</p>
<a href="">Cool bug facts</a>
const heck;
let heck;
console.log("We are gaming"); // prints some text wow

420 > 520;

() => {
  let me = "you";

// What
function hi(arg1: color, arg2) {
  return arg1 - arg2;
  return /hi/;

class epic {
  constructor() {
    this.epic = true;

type enum = "hi" | "wow" | number
#id .class element {
  property: value;
  property: "string" !important;

Difference block


- your mom
+ my mom